Collaboration with the Vicente Ferrer Foundation

The jewellery industry is often associated with luxury goods, but what if we could turn this luxury into a philanthropic mission by investing where the goods were produced directly?

At Facet Barcelona, we believe that investing in change (and not simply charity) is the only sustainable path to progress and that is why, through our annual collaboration with the Vicente Ferrer Foundation, we seek to create a lasting and sustainable impact on the most disadvantaged communities in India.

En Facet apoyamos firmemente los derechos humanos y creemos que, al contribuir en el progreso de estas comunidades de un modo directo y eficaz, podemos mejorar el presente y futuro de las próximas generaciones.

We have been collaborating with the Vicente Ferrer Foundation on several projects with the aim of empowering disadvantaged communities by investing in projects that support sustainable development.

Academic education is a key factor in ensuring change, which is why we chose to collaborate directly with the “Quality Education” project by providing bicycles to secondary school students to facilitate their journey to school. For the majority of students living in the impoverished rural areas of southern India, owning a bicycle means a real chance for a better future. One of the most common causes of school dropout in Anantapur and Kunool districts is the long distances between homes and schools. Thanks to this project, 42 girls and 65 boys from remote villages have been provided with bicycles to enable them to travel to the secondary school, helping them to continue their studies.

Similarly, to break the cycle of poverty in these communities, it is necessary to provide homes with adequate infrastructure to ensure decent housing.

At Facet, we believe that big changes are the result of a series of small actions, which is why we have contributed to the project “Housing for Inclusion” in the construction of a housing colony in the villages of Hawaligi, Indravathi, Kottalapalli, Marutla, Colony-2udiripikonda and Palthur, in the Uravakonda area.

The works began in January 2019 and were carried out according to schedule, finishing in March 2020. 31 people now have a decent home that meets their basic needs for protection and hygiene and prevents them from risk factors. In addition, the ownership of the house in the name of the disabled person has substantially improved their role in rural society, their self-esteem and their inclusion in the community.

“El presente siempre contiene la semilla de un futuro mejor”.
Vicente Ferrer

More information about the Vicente Ferrer Foundation :