FACET: a journey to sustainability

Facet is, since 2016, a certified CoP member of the Responsible Jewellery Council (RJC). Today, all Facet’s subsidiaries and both of its wholly-owned production centres in India and Spain are under also the umbrella of this prestigious organisation’s certification scheme.

In March 2021, Facet also obtained the additional Chain of Custody (CoC) certification for its brand-new fine jewellery factory in Europe, becoming the first company in Spain to do so, and one of the very few in the world to have achieved this feat in two production centres, with Indian operations receiving the certification a few years earlier.

This commitment to both its workers and the development of responsibility in the sector forms an integral part of Facet’s quality guarantee.

It is for this reason that, since January 2021, Facet is now a member of Positive Luxury, an organisation that certifies luxury brands that comply with the highest standards of innovation and sustainability.

With the objective of leading the charge towards a more transparent, ethical and sustainable industry, Facet has put its commitment to work by adhering to Tracemark’s traceability protocol as a Pilot Partner Member, becoming the first jewellery producer worldwide to provide the complete traceability of its products.

In this way, Facet is already one step ahead in sustainability, investigating the very origin of all raw materials that make up its pieces and selecting those which are responsibly sourced, ensuring this responsibility is maintained throughout the supply chain.

With the certified traceability brought by Tracemark, Facet can make tangible and valuable all its sustainability efforts, while guaranteeing that all pieces come from legitimate sources where best practices are assured.

The objective is to continue leading the way towards a real and effective change in the industry, one that frames Facet’s growth sustainably and brings key added value to customers.

All efforts to date have been highly recognised by the media, with features in reputable general-interest publications showing that the interest in sustainability and traceability in the jewellery sector has broad appeal in society. Some of these publications include: La Vanguardia, El País, El Periódico, Forbes, Moda.es, El Economista, among others.

In just the last week, Facet has appeared in thirteen different publications, with an article in La Vanguardia, and another distributed by Iberian Press Group making twelve headlines including in El Periódico, which highlighted Facet as a leading company in growth and exporting.

Showing the international acclaim of Facet, 65% of sales are in international markets, making the company a driver for growth in the national economy and the sector at large.

19th of August 2021:

Article in La Vanguardia:


5th of September 2021:

Article in El Periódico (representative of 11 other publications).
