Facet – The first Spanish company, and one of the first 10 internationally, to achieve certification as a Responsible Jewellery Council (RJC) Chain of Custody (CoC) Ethical Gold 100%.

With more than 30 years of experience, Facet has established itself once again as a leader in the jewellery manufacturing sector, with a strong commitment to social and environmental responsibility.

As a further demonstration of this growing commitment to ethical, traceable and sustainable practices, Facet is proud to announce its recent certification by the Responsible Jewellery Council in 100% Ethical Gold, which ensures full traceability throughout the supply chain with the RJC CoC seal.

Facet is committed to demonstrating industry leadership in the responsible supply of gold for all of its production. As proof of this, Facet successfully obtained, after the strictest audits, the RJC CoC certification in March 2020.

The RJC Chain of Custody (CoC) Standard is an initiative that assesses the entire supply chain, addressing key issues such as human rights, labor rights, environmental impacts and product disclosure.

By having all processes in place internally, we are able to adapt to the client and provide a personalized service. In the same way, the environmental impact is reduced, as one of the major toxic elements, mercury, is not released; from the manufacturing process, the quality standards are improved and thanks to the certifications the origin and complete traceability of our materials is guaranteed.

This certification is in addition to the one already obtained in 2018, by the Responsible Jewellery Council, which is accredited in the COP code of good practice.

This COP code, which provides a common standard for responsible business practices, is based on international standards and the 17 UN sustainable development objectives, to which it contributes. It applies to the supply chain, requires validation by an RJC-accredited audit, is designed to improve ethical, social and human rights and environmental conditions, and also addresses management systems.

About Responsible Jewellery Council

The Responsible Jewellery Council is a not-for-profit regulatory organisation that has been established to strengthen consumer confidence in the jewellery industry by promoting responsible practices throughout the jewellery supply chain. They have developed a common platform of standards for the jewellery supply chain and credible mechanisms to verify responsible business practices through third party auditing. We are committed to operating our business in accordance with the principles and code of practice of the Responsible Jewellery Council.

More information about Responsible Jewellery Council certifications can be found at www.responsiblejewellery.com

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