MODAES: Tracemark: the second generation of the Serret family drives jewelry traceability

Tracemark, from generation to generation. The Spanish start up, which traces certified responsible practices throughout the jewelry and diamond supply chain through its Transparent Tracking System (TTS) platform, expects to have seven collaborating brands in the next year. It also aims to exceed a turnover of 100,000 euros by the end of 2021, as Berta Serret, CEO and founder of the start up, explains to

Serret has been immersed in the world of jewelry since childhood. Last year, after seeing a report that showed the illicit practices of the mining sector, she decided to found Tracemark. The start-up was therefore born with the aim of ensuring responsible and sustainable practices in each step of a piece of jewelry’s supply chain, through its proprietary encrypted software.

Tracemark verifies the responsible sourcing of the materials it analyzes. Moreover, it partners with jewelry brands to ensure transparency, relying on external auditors that certify the origin of gold, silver and diamonds.

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