Berta Serret (Tracemark): Transparency is the only way to ensure ethical and sustainable processes in jewellery.

“73% of consumers already make their purchasing decisions guided by ethics and sustainability”.

Second instalment of our special monograph on the national and international diamond market. Facet Barcelona is the first Spanish company and pioneer in the world to develop a standard to ensure the traceability of diamonds, under a seal called Tracemark. Its co-founder and CEO, Berta Serret, explains what this innovative project for the diamond and jewellery industry consists of.

How and why was the initiative to create Tracemark born? Sustainability and human rights have always been our priority and ensuring change for a truly sustainable and ethical industry has always been our mission. As a second-generation Facet Barcelona, I personally have always been very involved in the fight for a more sustainable and just future. Did you know that one million children work in illegal mining activities, or that gold mines emit 1,400 tonnes of toxic mercury every year, threatening the environment and putting lives at risk? Tracemark is our proactive solution to transform the industry by ensuring ethical and sustainable jewellery, gold, and diamonds through traceability.

We firmly believe that transparency is the only way to ensure ethical and sustainable processes throughout the supply chain, and that traceability is key to providing this transparency. Tracemark was born out of this conviction, as an independent company of Facet, after we were particularly touched by the report that the NGO Human Rights Watch published two years ago.

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